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Pablo Yannone joins the Communications and Alliances Team at GLTH

Meet Pablo Yannone, an enthusiastic journalist who has quickly immersed himself in the legaltech world and is now a key player on our GLTH Team!

Pablo, could you briefly tell us about your previous experience and how you came to GLTH?

It has been six months since I was introduced to the legaltech world. I began as an inexperienced journalist with little knowledge of the topic but a lot of willingness to dive into it, learn new realities, and be able to communicate them to the audience. 

People have been very supportive of my content despite the fact that I am not an expert in it. That is why I would like to emphasize the human aspect of my experience: my knowledge of legaltech has been provided by people who have shared their ideas at events and conferences, by people I have interviewed, and by individuals who, at first, were only "lawyers" or "technologists," and now are colleagues who share with me this genuine interest in the "Legaltech world."

Communication is not only my way of learning and sharing information, but it is also the basis of other projects where I am involved, such as being a Community Manager for various enterprises, actively participating in journalistic associations, and writing essays for academic contests.

What are the main challenges you expect to face in your new role at GLTH?

Maintaining the personality of the Association in my content: as a creator, I will have to respect the mark of GLTH, which I admire as a reader for catching my attention from the beginning to the end. I would like to maintain that essence while also providing my own point of view.

Doing justice to the truth: as a journalist, I will be able to interview top profiles who will share news about their careers with a lot of background. As a creator, my goal is to condense that into words that respect reality as fairly as possible.

How do you think your communication and journalistic skills will be useful in your new role?

Knowing what the audience needs to know and what the source is willing to share are skills that require empathy and method. Both will help me create relevant content that satisfies both the audience and the source as much as possible.

What motivated you to join GLTH and what excites you most about working in the world's largest LegalTech hub?

As I said at the beginning, people have been the foundation of my knowledge and experiences during these months. I trust a lot in people and their intentions, especially when they are involved in such human-centric projects as GLTH. Being able to work with them and helping each other to achieve goals is very exciting. 

Following this line, it is also unbelievable that I will be able to keep learning more by interviewing all the advisors of the Association, who must have a very personal and professional outlook on the legaltech world!

What challenges does GLTH face in the coming years?

Legaltech is a very powerful field which represents the main focus of the Association. But as a hub, it has the goal of introducing more topics that are equally important, such as access to justice or ESG. Although GLTH is currently addressing these aspects by creating more areas of advisors, there will be a shift in its main message to highlight its openness to new ideas.

Expanding to new places, obtaining more collaborations, and reaching new audiences: as a global hub, GLTH needs to be ubiquitous, which presents many challenges. I am confident in GLTH’s capability of spreading everywhere and obtaining more partners, but it will require a lot of work, persistence, and resilience. Also, there is the challenge of reaching new audiences. GLTH’s message is very important for society, and people need to be aware of it. This is not easy considering the excessive amount of channels and information available. Persistence and resilience will be crucial in achieving this goal.

A dream to fulfill at GLTH?

As I mentioned before, I began to take part in this amazing legaltech world a short time ago. Due to that, it might sound pretentious to say that "being here is a fulfilled dream." But one thing is true: I have always believed that communication is the key to change. Taking part in GLTH, an association where communication is the bridge to share transcendent knowledge and points of view essential for society, is undoubtedly a dream that I thought was too good to be fulfilled.

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