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Alejandro Sánchez del Campo: “We are in the best moment in history for lawyers”

By Pablo Yannone Sancho, Journalist at GLTH

He has been dedicated to topics related to law, technology, and innovation for almost 30 years. Alejandro's career is huge, as well as all the knowledge that he can share with us as an Innovation Advisor thanks to Albert Ferré and Francesc Muñoz. “I could not say no”, says Alejandro when telling us how he ended up taking part in the Association.

From his role in the legal department of Telefónica in 1995, where he worked for over 20 years, to Garrigues. All his professional experiences have provided him valuable insights that shift his vision of legal tech, which he shares with us and, also, with all the fortunate audience of Aranzadi LA LEY, where he publishes articles about legal tech topics.

A little bit about Alejandro's background

His career as lawyer began since the moment he was born and he became the son of his parents. “There are many lawyers in my family, going back several generations, so that probably influenced my decision”, he claims. “I don't remember having to think much about it”.

His favorite mantra is: "The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second-best time is today." Apart from having a very beautiful and optimistic meaning, there is an interesting fact within this sentence. 20 years ago is the time that has happened since Alejandro had the best trip of his life. He went with his wife to Australia, to the eastern half, where they enjoyed the people, the landscapes and the city that is for Alejandro the most beautiful town in the world: Sydney.

20 years later, Alejandro keeps thinking of coming back to Australia, this time to the western part of the country, that is still a mystery for many people and is kind of a deal due to its difficult access. But, as a wise person once said,  "The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second-best time is today." I hope he comes back and he plants new amazing memories to grow over time.

Of course, traveling to Australia takes a little bit of time -1 day and a half- 36 hours that Alejandro would probably dedicate to his favorite legal dramas, The Good Wife, The Good Fight, and Suit, or his favorite non drama but legal for sure, Successful innovation, an outcomes in law book written by Dennis Kennedy.

Alejandro gives us some advices about tech and legal tech

When talking about legal tech, Alejandro is very aware of the benefits that can help to rethink the legal sector, providing “automation” in tasks that gain efficiency. Of course, we all know the theory, but the practice is still mysterious in many cases, and we have to face the big question: what technologies do we have to use?

Well, first, we could answer what technologies we already have and, if not, then go and manage the way of having them. For Alejandro, the technology that you use “depends on whether you look at large or small firms, whether they’re based in a big or smaller city” and other interesting criteria. According to the latest Break the Limits report, done by Aranzadi LA LEY, the most common technologies within departments, the usually known as tech tech, are the following ones:

  • Basic office tools (email, Word, PowerPoint, or similar) (98%)

  • Tools for connecting with the Administration of Justice (LexNet or similar) (82%)

  • Legal subject databases (81%)

  • Video Conferencing tools (75%)

  • Cloud storage (72%)

  • Digital contract signature tools (54%)

Now, if we have to talk about legal tech, Alejandro´s advice would be “to start with the basics: a good knowledge management system”. This is a completely necessary tool since “knowledge is the main asset of the firm or legal department”. It might seem obvious, right? But, as Alejandro says, “many organizations do not have it properly sorted out.”

Another tool that is obvious but is still away from several firms or departments is… “A contract management tool.” This “essential” tool shines always, but “especially if a high volume of contracts is handled, as it is the case in many companies”, claims Alejandro. “From there, you can think about implementing some AI tools.”

Although these advices can be very useful for those companies that are still thinking of implementing legal tech or rethinking their day to day tech tech, we can´t ignore that there are companies that are very advanced within these terms. Alejandro does not point to any of them, but he highlights the whole of the enterprises that are running in Spain, where “very interesting companies and products are being created”, he says. “Furthermore, Spanish law firms have nothing to envy from their European peers, as demonstrated annually in the Innovative Lawyers Financial Times Awards”. 

Legal tech is for Alejandro an opportunity that, probably, has something to do with the vision that Alejandro shares about the legal sector nowadays: “We are in the best moment in history for lawyers, full of challenges and opportunities. Those who understand this and are brave enough will have a great future ahead.”

The future belongs to the braves, as well as for all those who are curious and are looking forward to learning more and more. That is why Alejandro, not only as an Innovation Advisor, but as a member of our board, encourages you to join us: “Just do it”, he says. “Global LegalTech Hub is the place to be if you work at the intersection of law and technology. All the relevant people and companies are members of the association. It is a no brainer.”

Innovation and Legaltech Counsel, LA LEY

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