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Jun 27, 20243 min read
#GLTHinreview, the 1590-day story of innovation and community: The journey of the Global Legaltech Hub
This journey highlights significant milestones, achievements, and the transformative impact on the legal industry.

Jun 17, 20245 min read
Trabajar en la abogacía sin ser abogado: Nuevos roles y roles de siempre
¿Cómo romper con la línea divisoria fruto de la tradicional resistencia de muchos despachos a delegar las tareas de gestión en no abogados?

May 9, 20244 min read
El algoritmo mató al expediente académico
Las reglas del juego han cambiado y nos hemos adentrado en lo que muchos consideran como “nueva era” en el entorno laboral.

May 7, 20242 min read
Strategic Frameworks for AI Utilization in Business: Ensuring Ethical and Efficient Practices
To prevent misuse by employees or business partners, it's crucial for organizations to establish a comprehensive AI Usage Policy.

May 2, 20241 min read
GLTH announces the appointment of Simonetta Buccellato and Diana Vaccaro as Alliance Ambassadors in Europe
GLTH announces the appointment of Simonetta Buccellato and Diana Vaccaro as Alliance Ambassadors in Europe

Apr 29, 20242 min read
A leap forward in legaltech innovation: GLTH launches the 'People & Culture' area
The GLTH People & Culture area is an inclusive space welcoming all who wish to join and foster community.

Sep 8, 20235 min read
China, the first country to regulate Generative AI
China has become the first country to regulate GenAI by releasing a set of updated guidelines that came into effect on August 15th.

Jul 17, 20231 min read
Karol Valencia is appointed Ambassador of Alliances at Global Legaltech Hub
She will lead agreements with national and international entities, universities, governments, and hubs. > Press Release The Global...

Jul 3, 20232 min read
Global Legaltech Hub faces the next stage of global growth with a new CEO
The entity's General Assembly confirms Albert Ferré as CEO The Global Legaltech Hub Association held its General Assembly of members on...

Apr 21, 20234 min read
Karol Valencia from WOW Legal Experience joins the GLTH Communications team
We continue to add talent and drive for growth. In this interview, we introduce Karol Valencia from WOW Legal Experience, who is joining...

Apr 19, 20233 min read
Oriol Miralbell joins the GLTH team as the leader of the Operations area
Our team adds talent, desire to grow, and legaltech drive. In this interview, we introduce you to Oriol Miralbell, from Legal Pigeon, who...

Jan 29, 20235 min read
Automating web compliance is much easier than we believe
Diego Richards, Chief Operations Officer at Stillio Introduction In the beginning, the Internet was a place to create, share, and...

Sep 22, 202215 min read
The keys for evolutionary Change Management in Legal Services
We are living in amazing transformational times, the type of legal work is changing under the influence of technology.

Jul 20, 20223 min read
Women and legaltech, a necessary pairing
Technology is undoubtedly the result of evolution based on the needs of human beings and arises as a way of improving and favouring progress

Oct 5, 20215 min read
Blockchain and tokenization applied to the legal tech market
We have heard countless times what blockchain technology is, but do you know in which fields of the legal sector this could be interesting?

Jun 22, 20215 min read
The e-Privacy Regulation
The ePrivacy Regulation will reinforce the privacy of citizens and companies on the Internet and other digital communication channels.

Jun 15, 20213 min read
Machine Learning applied to the management of court notifications
Automated management through machine learning allows you to manage the same task in a much faster and more efficient way.

Jun 1, 20217 min read
Digitalisation: a key piece to legal compliance in administrative management
If one thing has become clear, it is that most business strategies were not prepared to withstand a
situation like the one we experienced ov
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